Fast Company Innovation by Design Awards 2021

Honorable Mention, Wellness Category

One of the most sought-after design awards in the industry, Fast Company’s Innovation by Design Award is the only competition to honor creative work at the intersection of design, business, and innovation. Its recognition of both our app and website acknowledges the inventive thinking that allowed Care Tuner to create a whole new way of delivering headache and migraine care.

Davey Awards 2021

Gold Medal, Health & Wellness Category

Presented by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, the Davey Awards is the leading competition for the finest small firms worldwide. Its recognition highlights Care Tuner’s ingenuity in folding a powerful health and wellness program for migraine into a pocket-sized app.

MobileWebAwards 2021

Best Mobile Industry Mobile Application

Presented by the Web Marketing Association, the MobileWebAwards competition honors the world’s best mobile websites, responsive websites, and mobile apps, recognizing the explosive growth and creativity taking place in mobile and app development. Its recognition of Care Tuner as “Best App” in its Mobile category is a tremendous honor within a crowded field.

Awards and Honors

Our Tech Partners

The Ctrl M Health platform was designed and built in partnership with Arcweb Technologies, a leading digital product and software agency. The Arcweb team used its deep expertise in experience design and software engineering to create a market-ready digital health platform that combines web, mobile, and e-commerce experiences. They also worked closely with our experts to ensure our design spoke directly to the unique needs of people with migraine.