Why is headache and migraine care so challenging?

We created Care Tuner, in partnership with the Jefferson Headache Center, to solve two major challenges to headache treatment.

First, we are expanding care access so our headache expertise can reach more people.

Over 40 million people live with migraine in the United States, but there are only about 550 headache specialists to treat them. By connecting people to the expertise and collective knowledge of a comprehensive headache center, we eliminate the limitations imposed by geography, visibility, insurance and the shortage of headache specialists. Care Tuner exists because we aim to democratize access to powerful expertise that can change people’s lives for the better.

Second, our program is the first of its kind to prioritize and personalize the health and wellness factors that successfully treat headache and migraine.

Lifestyle modifications are widely considered to be an essential part of comprehensive headache care. Yet before Care Tuner, no one had developed an integrated, evidence-based program to help people identify which health and wellness activities work best for them. This holistic type of care can be a very personal process, which has created a barrier in the past. However, Care Tuner was proud to accept this challenge. We provide maximum convenience and security with our online and mobile technologies, so people can interact with the spectrum of care they need anytime and anywhere.

Is Care Tuner just another migraine tracking app?

Nope. Care Tuner is a full-scale wellness program for life with headache and migraine that fits in your pocket or purse. Our program is robust and comprehensive, with a depth and breadth you may not be accustomed to finding in an app. But we’re delivering it to you via app so that our tools and resources are available whenever and wherever you need them.

What can the Care Tuner program do for me?

We know how much headache and migraine can impact a person’s life: how much it can take from you, and how powerless you can feel. We also know there are no simple solutions. But we do have strategies that can help you, which have been proven effective in reducing migraine and improving quality of life. We are eager to share them, and to help you adapt them for your individual needs, so you can start feeling better.

Our mission at Care Tuner is to empower those living with headache and migraine with the knowledge, confidence and programs to help them take a proactive role in the management of their headache. Our program provides the evidence-based resources and tools to help you accelerate your learning and find what works for you.

What does “evidence-based” mean?

Everyone seems to have ideas on how to deal with, or even cure, “a headache.” The internet is filled with tips, tricks and secrets promising relief. Unfortunately, these so-called solutions mostly create confusion, disappointment, and self-blame.

“Evidence-based” means that Care Tuner’s programs are all based on clinical and medical research. Our information, programs and strategies are endorsed by the renowned Jefferson Headache Center. Everything we do is firmly rooted in established global research and the clinical practice of headache and migraine medicine. You can be confident that everything you find at Care Tuner is accurate, balanced, credible and safe.

How can Care Tuner help me change my lifestyle?

Making behavioral and lifestyle changes is challenging, especially when you have headache and migraine. Care Tuner’s programs have been developed using behavioral change strategies and principles of health psychology to help you achieve your health goals.

Our tools help you identify goals with the most potential impact for you. Then, taking baby steps, we guide you through strategies shown to create lasting healthy habits, making sure that you understand the process at every point. The program moves at your pace, and is tailored for you; your journey is uniquely yours. Care Tuner wants to be with you every step of the way.

Do I need to be under a doctor’s care to use the Care Tuner programs?

No. Care Tuner’s wellness programs have been designed by doctors and wellness experts to deliver safe, healthy and evidence-based strategies. That said, we encourage anyone experiencing disruptive headache or migraine to speak with a doctor about your symptoms. Care Tuner’s programs are intended to complement and augment the care your doctor can provide.

How long will it take for Care Tuner’s programs to work?

There’s no one answer to that question. We all know how difficult and unpredictable headache and migraine can be, and everyone’s journey will be unique. Care Tuner’s programs are intended to help you identify lifelong lifestyle changes that will improve your quality of life. Some people may start to experience benefits within a few weeks or months. For others, it may take more time. However long your journey toward better quality of life takes, we promise to be there for you with the support you need.

How much headache and migraine control can “Ctrl M” really offer me?

The feeling of being out of control is among the biggest challenges of life with headache and migraine. There’s the anxiety over when your next headache may strike. Fear of the symptoms and pain it will bring. Confusion over how to treat the disease. Frustration with the medical system. Guilt over the impact your condition has on the people you love. Despair at the way migraine can disrupt every aspect of life — and at how you seem to have no say in the matter.

Care Tuner wants to help you take back control. Maybe it’s through helping you develop healthy routines. Maybe it’s through helping you develop confidence that you can take a proactive role in your health. Maybe it’s through helping you navigate challenges in your personal or work life. And, hopefully, we can help you take back control through finding ways to reduce the frequency, intensity and duration of your headaches. With headache and migraine, control is a complicated concept. Care Tuner is here to help you figure it out.

Is the Care Tuner program expensive? Is it covered by insurance?

Care Tuner is priced to be affordable. After all, an expensive health solution wouldn’t help you much. Our digital health programming and our nutritional products are competitively priced to fit into your life.

Everyone’s health insurance plan is different. Services and products that are covered by insurance seem to change every day. Generally, our programs will not be covered, but we encourage you to speak with your insurance company to explore what is possible.

Do I have to use the app every day?

No, but we’d love it if you did! In all seriousness, though, Care Tuner’s programs are designed to empower self-management and self-paced strategies that fit into your life. If you want to use the app on a daily basis, that’s great. If you prefer to check in a few times a week, that’s great as well. There is no one way to utilize our programs. The best way is the one that works for you.

How can Care Tuner’s nutritional supplements help me manage my migraine?

Great question. Care Tuner’s dietary supplement products have been designed based on clinical studies into the role of supplements as part of a comprehensive nutritional program. We are required to highlight that our dietary supplement products do not cure, prevent, diagnose or treat disease. That said, our nutraceutical products do provide the nutritional support you need to help improve your quality of life.