Tip Sheet: Three Migraine 101 Fundamentals to Help Your Headache

Headache and Migraine Basics | 3 Min. Read
Author: Care Tuner Migraine Team
Reviewed by: Ctrl M Health Medical Directors


  • When you have headache and migraine, your foundation is made up of three things: Sleep, nutrition, and hydration.
  • Creating consistent healthy habits in each of these three areas has a big impact on your migraine brain and body, giving them the stability they need.
  • Start strengthening your foundation with these three tips: 1) Go to bed at the same time every night, 2) Drink water, 3) Eat at regular intervals.
  • Download our free tip sheet with all the details. Refer to it as a daily check-in or anytime you need to get back on track.

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Every sturdy structure needs a foundation that is strong and stable. When you have headache and migraine, your foundation is made up of three things: Sleep, nutrition, and hydration. You can even consider these elements Migraine 101—your beginning essentials for migraine care. 

A young woman with brown long French braids and a floral print scarf over white sweater drinks a glass of water. Research shows that each of these three areas has a big impact on your migraine brain and body, giving them the stability they need. Focus on improving any one of these areas and you’ll see a huge payoff in your quality of life. Those positive effects are magnified if you pay attention to all three.

Start building your migraine resistance today with these fundamentals. You can download this free tip sheet by clicking here.

Try These Three Essentials for Headache and Migraine Care 

1. Go to Bed at the Same Time Every Night

Of all the healthy routines for headache and migraine, the one with the biggest potential impact is giving yourself the consistent sleep patterns your body wants. Getting quality sleep isn’t easy, since sleep and migraine don’t always play nicely together. But, even a small change in your sleep habits can make a meaningful difference in reducing migraine.

    • Start a routine of getting to sleep at the same time, starting tonight, continuing each and every night, for two weeks. 

2. Drink Water

The brain is about 75 percent water. Maintaining that balance is a huge protective factor against headache and migraine attacks. Research shows that even mild dehydration results in a loss in concentration and cognitive ability, and a rise in fatigue. For people with migraine, that water imbalance also paves the way for attacks.

    • Women need about 11.5 cups of water each day, and men about 15.5 cups. When in doubt, let thirst be your guide.

3. Eat at Regular Intervals

Research shows that going for a long stretch of time without food is a migraine trigger. The migraine brain likes consistency, and that goes for nutrition as well. When you skimp on breakfast after not eating all night, or skip lunch because you don’t have time, you’re robbing yourself of protective factors.

    • Do your brain a favor by eating regular meals and healthy snacks.

You can do this! A little bit every day will build your protection against migraine and put control within reach. Download our free Migraine 101 Tip Sheet and refer to it as a daily check-in, or anytime you need to get back on track.

The Care Tuner app is also filled with headache specialists’ wisdom to help you build migraine management routines that work. Download the app today and take a step closer to greater migraine control.


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